Ny kulmatare som passar till Dillons laddapparater XL650, XL750 och RL1050 samt RL1100.
Kulorna matas in i laddmaskinen på krutkontrollstationen, altså mellan krutmåttet och kulisättaren.
Kulmataren finns i kaliber 9/.38 Super, .40S&W .45ACP .223 OCH .308.
The Dillon XL750 Powder Measure is angled such that the powder bar must extend directly over station #4 in the toolhead, and it cannot be repositioned. This Is not an issue if you have a short die in that station. However, if you wish to run a powder check in station #3, and a bullet dropper in station #4, as many do, this creates a serious problem. As a solution to this issue we are pleased to offer our